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Welcome to Co-Kids Development’s il formaggio. The site was created to indicate by example how HWEISS Co. could implement the World Wide Web to strengthen customer relationship management (CRM). The Internet site www.hweiss.com will allow you to: acquire, enhance and retain a profitable customer base. Which can be accomplished by utilizing the following functions:

·          Direct marketing  (The ability of any current or potential customer to view the line in a high effective ease of use)

·          Cross-sell & up –sell (password protected secure pages to offer programs to certain accounts)

·          Corporate decision for proactive service (is the competition on-line and how efficient is the site)

·          Sales force automation (sales force can view secure pages to check inventory or account status)

·          Customer service (questions about product or interests in product can be directly e-mailed to the proper department)

This site requires IE4, IE5, IE5.5, NN4, or NN6 (Mozilla). It looks best in MSIE browsers, but is fully functional in Netscape browsers. Some of the techniques used in this project are W3C methods and as such are viewable only in IE4; IE5; and NN6. However, these are mainly cosmetic issues and will not affect the ability of Netscape 4 to execute the application code.